焦虑, depression and other mental health issues don’t have to be a part of aging. These issues can be addressed and managed with the proper treatment and should be as much of a priority as an older adult’s physical health concerns. 采用医疗’s 老年生活解决方案 program 在巴克斯利 helps seniors cope with day-to-day living and the emotional issues that can occur at their age: grieving the loss of a loved one, 感觉孤独, 失去独立性, 新的健康问题, 他们生活状况的改变, 还有财政问题.
在老年生活解决方案,万博买球世界杯理解并在这里提供帮助. Our primary focus is equipping our clients with the tools and resources that can lead to an improved lifestyle and better overall health.
- 抑郁的情绪
- 无法释怀的悲伤
- 焦虑和紧张
- 孤独或孤独的感觉
- 难以应付健康或身体上的挑战
- 睡眠或食欲改变
- 难以集中注意力
- 无助无助的感觉
- 愤怒
- 撤军
- 低自尊
- 人格改变
Sometimes a helping hand from experienced professionals is all our clients need to get their lives back on track. The proper guidance and regular attention of our team can lead to an improved lifestyle as well as better overall health. Our professionals genuinely care about their clients and work to understand their specific needs in designing a holistic treatment plan.
Our team approach is multi-disciplinary to ensure the best quality patient care possible for those who trust us with their behavioral health needs. The team includes a psychiatrist, mental health therapist (LMSW), and a registered nurse. 老年生活解决方案 staff work collaboratively with the client’s healthcare providers and family members to ensure the best possible long-term outcomes.
老年生活解决方案项目包括90天的结构化, 综合治疗, with additional services thereafter subject to the client’s progress and individual needs. 万博买球世界杯项目:
- Clients begin by attending 2 to 4 days each week, then progress to fewer days as graduation nears.
- 会议从早上9点开始.m. 到1p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, with two 15-minute breaks and a 30-minute lunch break (lunch is provided).
- The first half hour of each program day consists of individual nursing assessments by 雪莉·格雷迪,注册会计师, 以及玛丽亚·萨姆纳的个人manbetx世界杯下载课程, LMSW.
- 每组最多可由12名参与者组成. 这些小组讨论促进真正的治愈和, 据万博买球世界杯的员工说, 这就是“奇迹”发生的时候.
在这个充满同情和支持的环境中, 参与者都是在处理类似问题的同龄人中. 他们开始更多地交谈,分享经验,甚至结交新朋友.
小组期间, manbetx世界杯下载师(玛丽亚·萨姆纳, LMSW涵盖了广泛的主题,包括悲伤, 低自尊, 应对技能, 愤怒管理, 互相依赖, 放松, 感激之情, 和幸福. 在每个小组会议的最后部分, 万博买球世界杯的注册护士(雪莉·格雷迪, RN)讨论了包括血压在内的各种医疗保健主题, 糖尿病, 常见疾病, 以及客户要求的主题.
不需要推荐. 万博买球世界杯的客户可以自行转介,也可以由家人转介. 该项目由医疗保险、医疗补助和一些私人保险公司覆盖.
电话(912)367 - 3942 有关注册该计划的更多信息. 课程在主要的应用医院设施163 E举行. Tollison圣. 在巴克斯利.